Adding demonstrations…
For the last couple of years I have wanted to add demonstrations into my lectures, this summer I’m finally making it happen! Included in my teaching is a year one physics course, designed to introduce students to key concepts at the start of their university studies. Some students may be familiar with the material covered in the initial few weeks, so I have been pondering how to ensure class is engaging… I think demonstrations might be the answer. Whilst I already incorporate YouTube videos, quizzes, historical stories, I hope live examples will bring the physics ideas alive.
Demo Paperwork
Last year I tried a very simple yo-yo demo to see how it went down with class. It was all good until I found out I needed to complete a pre-demo risk assessment – oops. This summer I’m first trying out the demos alone in the lecture theatre, just to see if, and how, the work. Once I have my selected material, I’ll complete the needed risk assessment forms and run through my proposed demonstrations with the laboratory superintendent. This way all me demos will be cleared for use during semester class!
Demo Timing
I’ve been debating at what point in the lecture to bring out the demonstration. Do I open class with a demo to catch attention or is it better to use as a mid-class energiser activity? Maybe I should end class with the demo, with the promise to explain the mathematics in the following class? I think, for this coming semester, I will probably use the demo’s mid class – but it will be interesting to see if I change my mind as the term progresses.
Demo Set-up
At the start of each class, there is a lot for the teaching academic to do. You need to make sure the lecture theatre IT works, your slides project, visualiser is up and running, lecture recording material is ready to go, all in the first few minutes before you start teaching. I’m conscious, that adding in demo prep doesn’t eat too much of the taught content time. I’m after effective, but quick to set-up, demonstrations. Only time will tell if this plan works, I’ll let you know after class!
Caroline, Dr CST